Welcome to ASHRAE®- Rockford Chapter 119

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 Meeting Minutes

CRC 2004
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Rockford Chapter 119


November 9, 2004

                                              Meeting Minutes


Jeff McCoy


Matt Austin


Pattie Krippendorf


Jeff Francis


Pat Folz


Sergio Zamora


Perry Salvadovini


Bill Kushner


Randy Boettcher


Dave Anderson


Mark McInnis








ASHRAE WEBSITE  http://rockfordashrae.tripod.com


Ø      Ø      4:30pm meeting called to order.


Ø      Ø      Meeting Minutes   

·        By Pat Folz - October meeting minutes were submitted and approved


Ø      Ø      Treasurer’s report

·        By Perry Salvadorini – Treasurer’s Report was submitted and approved


Ø      Ø      Action Items Reviewed:


Ø      CRC funds – (at the October Meeting - Bill Kushner recommended the following for the $9300 balance in the CRC account):

·        $1,000 Ashrae research

·        $3,000 Scholarship fund

·        $5,300 General fund ($2,000 to be used to pay for the Social night for CRC volunteers and their spouses)


It was agreed to use the funds as noted above.  The Social night choices were narrowed down to A) a bus trip to a Casino or, B) a bus trip to Chicago’s navy pier for a dinner cruise.


Pat Folz and Randy Boettcher volunteered to be the Social night committee, and will obtain pricing on both choices to be presented at next month’s BOG meeting.


Ø      Vendor tables -  (at the October meeting- the following were recommendations for vendor tables):

·        Ferguson/Thrall

·        Columbia Pipe

·        Gustav Larson

·        Johnstone Supply

·        Steiner Electric

It was agreed that the vendor be given approx. 5 minutes to speak at the meeting


Jeff McCoy volunteered to obtain a Vendor – he will have the name for the December meeting


Ø      Ø     New Business


·        Mark McInnis volunteered to be the new TEGA chair

·        Some of the upcoming programs:


1.       December – Past President’s night -  Pattie will work on inviting the past Ashrae Presidents to our December meeting.  Since it is Dec. 14th, it will be a casual holiday theme with drinks and appetizers only, no dinner will be served.   This will be held at Giovanni’s Restaurant.

2.       January – TBA

3.       February – tour of Spectus Systems in Winnebago, Il

4.       March – tour of Northern Illinois Heating Plant, DeKalb, Il


·        It was agreed to have the Ashrae golf outing on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2005

Bill Kushner has secured a noon tee time.


Ø     Ø     Action Items


To be reviewed at next month’s meeting:


1.       Social night – Pricing from Pat Folz and Randy on the Casino trip, or the dinner cruise at Chicago’s Navy Pier (if Social night is moved to June)

2.       Jeff McCoy – choice of  vendor for the vendor table



Ø      Ø      Meeting adjourned at 5:04pm.  Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 14th – Details to follow.


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